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Miragoane, 30 October 2018: female members of the Bangladeshi Formed Police Units greet Helen La Lime, the UN Special Representative in Haiti and Head of MINUJUSTH
Leonora Baumann / UN MINUJUSTH

Security Council approves ‘historic’ political Haiti mission, ending UN peacekeeping role in the country

The Security Council on Monday approved a resolution to create a UN “Integrated Office” in Haiti, designed to support the country’s government in strengthening political stability and good governance. The Office, named BINUH, will replace the peacekeeping mission in Haiti on October 16, putting an end to 15 years of peacekeeping presence in the country.


The UN Trust Fund in support of victims of sexual exploitation and abuse has supported women in the Democratic Republic of the Congo receive vocational trainings like mushroom farming. (October 2018)
MONUSCO/Michael Ali

Righting a wrong: UN Fund helps thousands of sex abuse survivors rebuild their lives

About 3,340 women, children and men, many of whom are victims, have been given support to recover from or help put an end to the scourge of sexual exploitation or abuse (SEA) by United Nations personnel, thanks to a Trust Fund established in 2016. On Friday, a meeting was held at UN Headquarters in New York, to report on the progress and impact made, and collect new pledges from Member States.

UN peacekeepers in Haiti support the relocation of people ahead of the arrival of a tropical storm. (file 2010)
MINUSTAH/Logan Abassi

Haiti stands ‘at the crossroads’ between peacekeeping, development – Bachelet urges strengthened ‘human rights protection’ 

With the end of the UN’s peacekeeping presence in Haiti in sight, the UN’s human rights chief told the Security Council on Wednesday that the country now stands “at the crossroads between peacekeeping and development”, urging all concerned parties to continue building on progress made, or “risk losing it” altogether.