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Stacking bricks at a factory near Dhaka, Bangladesh, a least developed country.
World Bank/Scott Wallace

Caught in ‘poverty trap,’ least developed countries being left behind – UN report

Even as the international community pledged to ‘leave no one behind’ with the adoption of the 2030 Agenda, the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD) has warned that without stronger global support, 48 of the world’s most vulnerable countries will lose ground in economic development and face increasing levels of poverty.

Displaced children seek safety with their families in a churchyard in Kaga Bandoro, Central African Republic.
UNICEF/Daniel Timme

Central African Republic: Arbitrary killings, sexual violence cited in new UN human rights report

Central African Republic: Arbitrary killings, sexual violence cited in new UN human rights report Violations and abuses of international human rights and humanitarian law in the Central African Republic (CAR), which include arbitrary killings, sexual violence and inhuman treatment, continue to plague the country, according to a United Nations report published today.
A woman and her children wait for transportation in Aleppo, Syria.

Syrian Government ‘palpably failing’ to ensure safety of its people – UN human rights chief

Expressing shock at the apparent collapse of a deal enabling evacuation of thousands of civilians from eastern Aleppo, the United Nations human right chief said today that the resumption of extremely heavy bombardment by Syrian Government forces and their allies on civilian-populated areas “is almost certainly a violation of international law and most likely constitutes war crimes.”
Secretary General Ban Ki-moon.
UN Photo/Mark Garten (file)

Gambia: UN chief 'dismayed' at military takeover of electoral commission

Expressing dismay at the takeover of the Independent Electoral Commission (IEC) premises by the military in Gambia, United Nations Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon called on the security forces to immediately vacate the Commission and to refrain from any further acts that could jeopardise efforts towards the peaceful transfer of power.