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Quinoa farmed on the Bolivian antiplano ranges in colour from white to pink to orange.
Claudio Guzmán/FAO

FEATURE: Quinoa Year aims to ease food insecurity and transform the global diet

Quinoa, a highly nutritious grain-like crop that has made its entry into the food basket of culinary connoisseurs has been a staple for centuries in South America, among pre-Columbian Andean farming communities from Colombia to Ecuador. In fact, most of the world's quinoa is grown on the altiplano, a vast, cold, windswept, and barren 14,000-foot Andean plateau spanning parts of Peru and Bolivia.
Credit: FAO

UN kicks off ‘Year of Quinoa’ with focus on world nutrition

Top officials from the United Nations and the Andean community of Bolivia, Colombia, Ecuador and Peru today launched the ‘International Year of Quinoa’ to raise awareness of the nutritional, economic, environmental and cultural value of a food that has been traditionally cultivated for thousands of years.