Global perspective Human stories


Erick Raphael/ADIFF 2017

'Black Panther' movie a 'milestone in Afrocentric storytelling'

The worldwide success of the Black Panther movie has highlighted the reality of “the black experience” and spawned a positive conversation about African identity.

That’s according to Diarah N’Daw-Spech, the New York-based co-founder of the African Diaspora International Film Festival, who has also been involved with the UN’s International Decade for People of African Descent initiative.

She’s been talking to Fatima Mendez.

UN News/Matt Wells

Sahel countries making progress towards “credible, functioning justice systems”: UNODC

Despite the challenge of trying to decriminalize centuries-old smuggling routes and cross-border terrorism, the countries of the Sahel are showing progress in building “credible, functioning justice systems.”

That’s according to Pierre Lapaque, who represents the vast African region for the UN Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC), who told Matt Wells the deaths of four peacekeepers in Mali on Wednesday, highlighted the on-going dangers.

UN Photo/Manuel Elías

Outgoing UN envoy reflects on “painful” Yemen crisis

Ismaïl Ould Cheikh Ahmed, UN Special Envoy for Yemen, was in New York this week to deliver his final briefing to the Security Council after three years spearheading negotiation efforts.

Since 2011, Yemen has been engulfed in what the UN has described as “a tragic and complex political military crisis,” stemming from a failed leadership transition in the wake of the Arab Spring.

Reem Abaza asked Mr Ould Cheikh Ahmed what has been the biggest obstacle to peace.

© UNICEF/UN0126775/Dicko

Aid agencies seek $263 million to support Mali in 2018

UN Agencies and their partners are appealing for $263 million to provide humanitarian assistance to vulnerable people in Mali.

Mbaranga Gasarabwe, the Resident Coordinator at UN Multidimensional Integrated Stabilization Mission in Mali (MINUSMA), spoke with Fatima Mendez about the 2018 Humanitarian Response Plan.

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© UNICEF/UN0157481/Nybo

Cyclone, violence threaten more than 700,000 Rohingya children: UNICEF

The UN Children’s Fund (UNICEF) is warning of two looming threats facing scores of Rohingya children in Myanmar and Bangladesh.

The agency is concerned that the approaching cyclone season and continued violence could affect some 720,000 youngsters.

Bronwen Cowley has been speaking to UNICEF’s Representative in Bangladesh, Edouard Beigbeder.
