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'Black Panther' movie a 'milestone in Afrocentric storytelling'

'Black Panther' movie a 'milestone in Afrocentric storytelling'


The worldwide success of the Black Panther movie has highlighted the reality of “the black experience” and spawned a positive conversation about African identity.

That’s according to Diarah N’Daw-Spech, the New York-based co-founder of the African Diaspora International Film Festival, who has also been involved with the UN’s International Decade for People of African Descent initiative.

The Marvel Studios superhero film has a nearly all-black cast and is set in the mythical African kingdom of Wakanda where a power struggle threatens the fate of the whole world.

It’s been hailed by critics as a cultural phenomenon and since being released in mid-February, it’s already made more than $750 million at the box office.

Fatima Mendez asked Ms. N’Daw-Spech to describe the film’s impact so far.


The worldwide success of the Black Panther movie has highlighted the reality of “the black experience” and spawned a positive conversation about African identity.

That’s according to Diarah N’Daw-Spech, the New York-based co-founder of the African Diaspora International Film Festival, who has also been involved with the UN’s International Decade for People of African Descent initiative.

She’s been talking to Fatima Mendez.

Audio Credit
Fatima Mendez, UN News
Audio Duration
Photo Credit
Erick Raphael/ADIFF 2017