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Civilians fleeing the fighting and seeking refuge, wait outside a compound of the UN Mission in Bor (December 2013).
UN Photo/Hailemichael Gebrekrstos

South Sudan: UN mission cites 'clear indications' death count much higher than early estimates

The United Nations Mission in South Sudan (UNMISS) said today that as it continues to gain access to besieged areas, the number of people killed in the current round of fighting in the world's youngest country “must be much higher” than the 1,000 figure given earlier in the conflict, which erupted nearly a month ago and continues to grind on.
Under-Secretary-General for Humanitarian Affairs Valerie Amos.
UN Photo/Rick Bajornas

'World must do more' to aid besieged communities in Syria, urges top UN relief official

United Nations Emergency Relief Coordinator Valerie Amos sounded the alarm today on behalf of more than 9 million desperate Syrians – particularly people trapped in areas cut off from aid by months of fighting between Government and rebel forces – and called on the world to also do more for those that have been displaced by violence or otherwise impacted by the ongoing crisis.