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ECOSOC High-level Meeting with World Bank, IMF, WTO and UNCTAD.
UN Photo/Devra Berkowitz

At high-level forum, UN officials urge steps to ensure financing of sustainable development

Even with a slow recovery from the economic and financial crisis under way, severe effects of the upheaval linger and serious risks remain, United Nations Deputy Secretary-General Jan Eliasson warned a high-level gathering of global finance institutions today, urging measures to channel financial investment into vital areas that can help secure sustainable development for all.
Special Coordinator of the Joint Mission of the OPCW and the UN Sigrid Kaag (second left) inspecting preparations for the elemination of chemical weapons at the Syrian Port of Latakia in December 2013.
OPCW-UN Joint Mission

Syria: UN-OPCW mission expects ‘intensified efforts’ as chemical weapons deadline slips

Concerned that Syria has missed the 13 April deadline to remove most of its chemical agents, the Joint Mission of the Organisation for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons and the United Nations (OPCW-UN) says that it expects “an intensification of efforts” towards meeting the goal of removing all the country’s chemical weapons by the end of the month.
Photo: IRIN/David Gough
IRIN/David Gough

UN agency urges countries to boost action against banana disease

The United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) is warning countries to step up monitoring, reporting and prevention to tackle one of the world’s most destructive banana diseases, Fusarium wilt, which recently spread from Asia to Africa and the Middle-East, and is now menacing Latin American countries.