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Changing harmful social norms that fuel violence against women

For ages masculinity has been equated with power, toughness and the suppression of one’s emotions, according to the UN Population Fund.

The notion of what it means to be a “man” may have contributed to risky behaviours, sometimes deepening gender inequities, the agency adds.

But a new initiative led by the Institute of Development Studies in Sussex, Britain, is helping men change these harmful social norms to become staunch allies of women’s rights.

Papua New Guinea rural women demand stronger role in economy

Tribal wars are forcing families in the highlands of Papua New Guinea out of their homes. Not only are these families being separated in the conflicts, but women and girls are being exposed to violence.

Voice for Change, a non-governmental organization, is trying to create a safe environment for these displaced women through mediation. It’s also helping to empower rural women and advance their rights.

Lilly Be’Soer Kolts is the founder. This year, she successfully coordinated a peace reconciliation to resettle 500 internally displaced families.

UK assumes leadership of Security Council for March

The United Kingdom plans to shine a spotlight on several key issues during the month of March when it will hold the revolving presidency of the Security Council.

British Ambassador to the UN, Sir Mark Lyall Grant says the UK will hold three formal events in the Security Council during the month. One will be a ministerial level meeting on change in the Middle East that several Arab officials have been invited to. The other two special events will focus on Somalia as well as the conflict that still exists between Sudan and South Sudan.

Fostering economic integration in East Africa

As the East African Community consisting of Kenya, Uganda, Tanzania, Rwanda and Burundi has agreed on a customs union and the beginnings of a common market, the EAC together with the International Monetary Fund will co-host a conference to discuss benefits of regional integration and future macroeconomic challenges faced by the region. Naoyuki Shinohara, Deputy Managing Director of the IMF, will be hosting the gathering. Rebecca Kaufman reports….

Duration: 2’36”

Italy pushes for an end to Female Genital Mutilation

Italy is pushing for approval of a UN resolution to end Female Genital Mutilation or FGM.

The country’s Ambassador to the UN, Cesare Maria Ragaglini, says the practice is a violation of basic human rights.

Italy is a sponsor of a concert at the UN by UNICEF Goodwill Ambassador Angelique Kidjo dedicated to the global efforts to end FGM.

The UN estimates as many as 140 million girls and women have undergone some form of genital mutilation or cutting, and at least 3 million girls are at risk of undergoing the practice every year.


Children from poor families in urban areas face huge challenges

Not all children living in urban areas are benefiting from the economic expansion in cities, according to a new report by UNICEF.

In fact, an increasing number are struggling to eat, get clean water, access health care and go to school.

These are children growing up in slums and informal settlements where exploitive labour and gang violence are rampant according to the UN’s Children’s Fund.

UNICEF spokesperson Peter Smerdon spoke to Jocelyne Sambira about this growing trend.

Duration: 2’29’’

A call to end female genital mutilation through a concert

UNICEF Goodwill Ambassador and Grammy Award Winner Angelique Kidjo will perform a special concert at the United Nations dedicated to the global efforts to end Female Genital Mutilation.

Ms. Kidjo says she is passionate about getting African nations to sign a resolution to end the practice. The UN estimates that every year at least three million girls are at risk of undergoing FGM.

The concert takes place Tuesday evening and can be seen on the Internet at