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General News

Security Council takes up women, peace and security

While much has been done to improve the situation of women when it comes to peace and security in the context of UN missions and resolutions of conflicts, much more needs to still needs to be done.

That was part of the message delivered to the UN Security Council Tuesday during a briefing by two Under Secretaries General, UN Women’s Michelle Bachelet and the Department of Peacekeeping Operations’ Hervé Ladsous.

Kofi Annan to brief Security Council about Syria challenges

UN-Arab League Joint Special Envoy Kofi Annan will brief the Security Council on Tuesday as a fragile cessation of violence in Syria enters its second week.

The closed-door meeting comes days after the Council unanimously agreed to deploy a 300-strong UN Supervision Mission in Syria.

The observers will join an advance team already on the ground. Syria has accepted Mr. Annan’s six-point plan which also calls for withdrawal of heavy armoury from civilian areas.

Yvette Morris asked his spokesman, Ahmad Fawzi, if this has occurred.

Duration: 4'13"

WHO launches measles campaign: “Protect your world–Get vaccinated”

Measles is on the rise due in part to a decrease in both political commitment and funding, according to the World Health Organization.

In an effort to combat the highly contagious infection, which is often deadly if left untreated, the WHO is pushing a vaccination program.

This week, they are launching the “Protect your world–Get vaccinated” campaign in more than 180 countries. It aims to reinforce the importance of immunization and encourage people everywhere to vaccinate themselves and their children against serious diseases.

UN forum stresses potential of youth as force for progress

This generation of youth is the largest in history and it is also the focus of the 45th session of the Commission on Population and Development.

The Secretary-General says the world’s young people have their eyes wide open. They are informed as never before. They are connected to one another. And they care.

That is why Ban Ki-moon says more needs to be done to give them education, health and job opportunities for the future.

Julie Walker reports.

Duration 3’14”

Harmony with nature on World Earth Day

International Mother Earth Day is being observed on April 22.

In 2009, the General Assembly proclaimed the day to promote awareness of the interdependence between human beings, other living species, and the planet.

Earlier in the week at the UN a debate was held on the importance of harmony with nature and the role of science in sustaining life while protecting the environment.

Julie Walker spoke with Rafael Archondo, Bolivia's Deputy Ambassador to the UN, who took part in the event.

Duration 4’35”

UN observer mission to be deployed to Syria

A week after sending an advance monitoring team to Syria, the Security Council has authorized deployment of a full UN observer mission to the country.

Following the vote, UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon expressed hope that the UN Supervision Mission in Syria (UNSMIS) will help end the killing and suffering.

A UN-monitored cessation of violence is part of UN-Arab League Joint Special Envoy Kofi Annan’s six-point plan for Syria.

Dianne Penn reports.

Duration: 3'47"

“Silent Shout” promotes UN convention for disabilities

Finnish rap artist Signmark, who was born deaf, brought his sign-language rap music to New York to promote the human rights of people with disabilities.

He gave two “Silent Shout” performances, one inside UN headquarters and another outside that drew a large crowd.

While Signmark performed in American Sign Language, rapper Brandon Bauer provided the voice for the lyrics.

Derrick Mbatha reports.

Duration: 3'30"