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A monitor working for the now concluded United Nations Mission in Nepal (UNMIN).
UN Photo

Political missions ‘indispensable’ for peace and security, UN reports

Political missions deployed in volatile environments around the world are making a proven difference in defusing tensions, bringing countries back from the brink of conflict and building sustainable peace, Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon said in a comprehensive new report out today tracing the history and evolution of these missions and urging strong support to ensure their effectiveness.

FEATURE: UN teams with ‘Revolution’ TV show to highlight real challenges of a world without power

The fictional concept at the heart of the television series ‘Revolution’ – which picks up 15 years after the start of a worldwide blackout – is the day-to-day reality for billions of people living without power, a reality United Nations field staff helped flesh out for the show’s writers ahead of its second season, which premiered last night at UN Headquarters in New York.