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Members of a farming association in Jérémie plant black beans.
UN Haiti/Daniel Dickinson

First Person: Cultivating Haiti’s future

Farmers in south-west of Haiti are cultivating a future for the country as they continue to work their land despite the challenges caused by the 14 August earthquake. The UN’s Food and Agriculture Organization’s (FAO) has been supporting their development over many years as FAO’s Jérémie-based staff member Mykerlange Balmir explains.

Dubai Expo 2020 Opportunity Pavilion, home of the #UN Hub
Conor Lennon/UN News

Promoting sustainability and the UN at Dubai Expo: A UN Resident Coordinator blog

Around two months into a six-month residency at Dubai Expo, the UN Hub has already attracted a large number of visitors, including several delegations from UN Member States. Dena Assaf, the UN Resident Coordinator for the UAE, and Deputy Commissioner-General of the UN at Expo, says that the event is a unique opportunity to highlight the aims and messages of the Organization.
