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A view of the Security Council as it voted on a resolution to revise the strategic priorities of the African Union-UN Hybrid Operation in Darfur (UNAMID).
UN Photo/Paulo Filgueiras

Darfur: Security Council adjusts priorities of African Union-UN peacekeeping force

Deeply concerned at the “considerable deterioration” of the security situation in Darfur over the past year, marked by ongoing clashes between the Sudanese Government and rebels, and an upsurge in inter-communal violence, the United Nations Security Council today endorsed Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon’s revised strategic priorities for the joint African Union-UN mission in the long-restive western region of Sudan.
Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon travelled to Greenland at the end of March 2014 to see first-hand the impacts of climate change.
UN Photo/Mark Garten

In Brussels, Ban says ‘much heavy lifting’ required by all to curb impacts of climate change

From the tropics to the poles, from small islands to large continents, and from the poorest countries to the wealthiest, the ominous signs of climate change are profoundly visible, said United Nations Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon today, calling for transformative collective action to tackle the phenomenon now – on all fronts– before it is too late.