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Special Adviser to the Secretary-General on Yemen Jamal Benomar.
UN Photo/Loey Felipe

UN envoy welcomes lifting of house arrest of Yemeni leaders

The United Nations Special Adviser on Yemen, Jamal Benomar, welcomed the lifting of the house arrest of the country’s Prime Minister, Foreign Minister and other Cabinet members as a “good gesture that may restore the missing confidence in the current political negotiations.”
Pacific Island leaders brief press at Third World Conference on Disaster Risk Reduction in Sendai, Japan. Left to right: Ambassador Aunese Makoi Simati of Tuvalu; Foreign Minister Tai Tura of the Cook Islands, and Faamoetauloa Tumaalii, Minister of Natura
Nan Zehng

Devastation in cyclone’s wake illustrates need for targeted disaster response, Pacific leaders say at UN conference

With reports slowly emerging about the damage wrought in Vanuatu, which suffered the brunt of Cyclone Pam that pummeled the South Pacific over the weekend, leaders from the region made a joint call today from a United Nations conference on disaster resilience for scaled-up storm recovery efforts, as well as durable partnerships that would help their countries strengthen capacities to deal with such extreme weather events.