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Displaced by fighting, famalies try to make a life among badly damaged buildings in Syria's war-torn Aleppo.
UNHCR/Susan Schulman

Seven years of war in Syria has left ‘colossal human tragedy’ in its wake – UN refugee chief

After seven years of brutal conflict in Syria, there are no clear winners, “but the losers are plain to see,” the United Nations refugee agency chief said Friday, describing the “colossal human tragedy” that has cost hundreds of thousands of lives, driven 6.1 million people from their homes and forced 5.6 million others to seek safety in neighbouring countries.

Mark Lowcock, Under-Secretary-General for Humanitarian Affairs and Emergency Relief Coordinator briefs the Security Council.
UN Photo/Loey Felipe

Airstrikes, shelling continue in Syria despite Security Council’s ceasefire call – top UN officials

Despite the Security Council’s demand for a ceasefire throughout Syria, violence continues to plague the war-ravaged country, worsening the humanitarian situation and the suffering of its people, top United Nations political and relief officials said Wednesday, calling on all parties to the conflict to “fulfil their obligations to end the fighting.”