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Climate Change

In the reforestation site of Merea, Chad, children are planting acacia seedlings for the future In the past 50 years, Lake Chad basin shrank from 25,000 square kilometers to 2,000square kilometers.
UNDP Chad/Jean Damascene Hakuzim

Preparing Africa for ravages of climate change ‘cannot be an afterthought’ – COP24

Africa is at a “tipping point” as global warming increases, and urgent action needs to be taken across the continent now, to mitigate risks and safeguard a decade of social and economic gains, according to a new report launched on Thursday by the United Nations Development Agency (UNDP) at the COP24 climate conference, in Katowice, Poland.

A new generation wind power turbine on display at the Austrian pavilion at COP24.
UN News/Yasmina Guerda

‘Going green’ is good business says private sector at UN’s COP24 climate conference

Businesses across the world should no longer be viewed solely as greenhouse gas emissions culprits, but more as indispensable partners for climate action, who stand to increase profits from “going green”. That was the key message as the United Nations COP24 climate change conference went into its second week in Katowice, Poland.

Huriccane Tomas Floods Streets of Gonaives, Haiti
UNICEF/Marco Dormino

COP24 addresses climate change displacement ahead of crunch migration meeting

As hundreds of decision-makers are gathering in Marrakech to agree new standards for global migration, the United Nations climate change conference ‘COP24’ is looking at concrete ways to help countries tackle large-scale displacement caused by the impacts of climate change, including water scarcity, flooding, storms and rising sea levels.