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A wide range of human rights activists have been targeted in Colombia, especially those living in rural areas.
UN Colombia

Colombia: Security Council hears of ‘epidemic of violence’ against civil society and ex-combatants

While political actors in Colombia are uniting to confront COVID-19, they must also work together to fight “the epidemic of violence” against civil society leaders, human rights defenders and former combatants, the head of the UN mission in the country said on Tuesday during a Security Council meeting held by videoconference.

Mr. Imran Riza UN Resident Coordinator in Syria visiting a national lab for COVID19 testing, in Damascus.

Syria coronavirus threat sparks broad UN containment effort

The United Nations and its partners are doing their utmost to support a comprehensive, multi-pronged effort to stem the impact of COVID-19 in Syria, where the viral disease has claimed the lives of two people, sickened 23 others and presented epic challenges for ensuring the smooth delivery of life-saving assistance.

A view of a pharmacy through protective plastic in Astoria, Queens, during the COVID-19 outbreak in New York City.
UN Photo/Evan Schneider

COVID-19: Growth forecast at -3 per cent, as IMF offers debt relief to most vulnerable nations in Africa, Asia, Middle East and Caribbean

Forecasting the “worst economic downturn since the Great Depression”, the International Monetary Fund said on Tuesday that growth for the year was likely to end up at minus three per cent, with a dramatic change evident since the last World Economic Outlook report in January.  

Villagers in South Sudan learn about the dangers of coronavirus from a UNICEF partner organization.
© UNICEF/Brian Ongoro

FROM THE FIELD: The UN’s global fight against COVID-19

A global effort is needed now and in the months ahead, to fight the coronavirus or COVID-19 pandemic, according to the United Nations, and the organization is demonstrating how cooperation in all corners of the world is helping lessen the effects of the virus on the most vulnerable.