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UNRWA estimates around 17,000 destroyed or damaged homes, rendering 100,000 people homeless in Gaza.
UNRWA Archives/Shareef Sarhan

UN agency ramps up for Gaza reconstruction push

A week after a major conference in Cairo on the reconstruction of war-ravaged Gaza, and in the wake of recent visits to Gaza by the Palestinian Prime Minister, Rami Hamdallah and United Nations Secretary General, Ban Ki-moon, the key UN agency on the ground there has begun scaling up its response to meet critical needs of people in the Strip.
A wide view of the Security Council.
UN Photo/Kim Haughton (file)

'ISIL must be defeated', declares Security Council, urging 'common effort' to halt militants' offensive

The Security Council has urged the world to step up measures to defeat the Islamic State in Iraq and the Levant (ISIL) after the terrorist group carried out a spate of brutal attacks in Baghdad and Anbar over the past few days, calling for “a common effort” among governments and institutions to “stamp out” the violence and intolerance ISIL espouses.
Joint MONUSCO/FARDC patrol in North Kivu, Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC).
MONUSCO/Clara Padovan

DR Congo: UN envoy calls for decisive joint military action to neutralize rebels

In the wake of an overnight attack by suspected Ugandan-based rebels near the eastern Democratic Republic of the Congo town Beni – the second deadly assault in 48 hours – the United Nations envoy in the country is calling for 'decisive joint military actions' by the Congolese army and UN peacekeeping troops to end the group's reign of terror.
General Assembly President Sam Kutesa (left), and Zhang Saijin, Deputy Director of the General Assembly and Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC) Affairs Division, preside over a meeting on the New Partnership for Africa’s Development (NEPAD).
UN Photo/Rick Bajornas

Erasing infrastructure deficit key to Africa’s growth, development – UN official

Africa’s continued progress on growth and development targets will hinge on concerted efforts – from partnerships inside and outside the continent – to enhance infrastructure, a vital area that will facilitate diversification of African economies and unleash their full productive capacity, the President of the United Nations General Assembly said today.