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Photo: UNIFIL/Pasqual Gorriz
UNIFIL/Pasqual Gorriz

‘The future starts now,’ Ban says at launch of UN Decade of Sustainable Energy for All

Launching the United Nations Decade of Sustainable Energy for All, Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon today hailed modern energy services as the source of profound and life-changing opportunities – for the poorest communities and the richest investors – and urged generating the innovative ideas and vital partnerships to wholly transform the global energy landscape.
President of the International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda (ICTR) Vagn Joensen.
UN Photo/Amanda Voisard

UN tribunals crucial for delivering justice for Rwanda, former Yugoslavia, Security Council told

What began as ‘bold experiments’ in international justice two decades ago have resulted in ensuring accountability for the worst of crimes, officials from the United Nations tribunals dealing with the former Yugoslavia and Rwanda told the Security Council today, as they highlighted ongoing efforts to bring the work of their respective bodies to a close.
Palestinian prisoners are being held in Israeli prisons similar to this one.

Worsening health of Palestinian detainees on hunger strike draws concern of UN human rights expert body

Gravely concerned about the reported worsening health of more than 75 Palestinian detainees on hunger strike now in hospital protesting Israel’s continued use of administrative detention, members of a United Nations committee today urged Israel to end the practice and heed the “desperate plea” prisoners to be told what they are accused of so they can mount a defence.