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UN seminar on Palestinians ends with call for urgent international aid

A two-day United Nations Seminar on Assistance to the Palestinian People has concluded its work with an urgent call for international aid to mitigate the humanitarian crisis in the occupied Palestinian territory resulting from three years of violence and destruction that has caused record unemployment, poverty and malnutrition.

Iraq: UN earmarks oil and electricity equipment for urgent delivery

Multi-million dollar contracts for heavy equipment and spare parts for Iraq’s oil and electricity sectors have been prioritized for immediate delivery after talks this month with United Nations agencies, the United States-run Coalition Provisional Authority (CPA) and Iraqi representatives, the UN Office of the Iraq Programme (OIP) announced today.

UN resumes full de-mining activities in Afghanistan

Thanks to a new technology, all de-mining work has resumed along the Kabul to Kandahar road, one of Afghanistan’s most important routes for commerce and relief aid, and is proceeding at a fast pace after a nearly two-month long suspension following a rash of attacks, the United Nations said today.

Calls for greater UN role in Iraq multiply

The top United Nations envoy for Iraq heard more calls for broadening the world body's role there while visiting neighbouring Iran today even as major governments, including the United States, which runs the current ruling Provisional Authority in Baghdad, are raising that possibility with Secretary-General Kofi Annan.

Annan hails new power-sharing government in DR of Congo

United Nations Secretary-General Kofi Annan today hailed the historic swearing-in of the four Vice-Presidents who will head up the Democratic Republic of the Congo's (DRC) new power-sharing transitional government as a "milestone" in the war-weary country's search for lasting peace.