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A mother is breastfeeding her newborn child at the Mother and Child Health Center in Bumbu, a district of Kinshasa, capital of the Democratic Republic of Congo, on 20 October 2017.

Wednesday’s Daily Brief: World Breastfeeding Week kickoff, Second Ebola death on DR Congo’s eastern border, UN chief lauds climate activist Thunberg, Afghan bus attack, and outgoing UN agriculture chief hands over reigns

Our main stories today cover:  World Breastfeeding Week kickoff, Ebola on DR Congo side of Rwandan border, 15-year-old Greta Thunberg to said to UN climate summit, UN chief condemns deadly Afghan bus attack and UN agriculture agency chief marks last day.

El-Miskin Camp in in Maiduguri, the capital of Borno State is home to around 5000 IDPs.
IOM/Jorge Galindo

Monday’s Daily Brief: Nigeria massacre, Libya shelling condemned; recycled plastic used to build classrooms in Côte d’Ivoire

Our main stories today: UN chief and senior UN official condemn the ‘terrible massacre’ in Nigeria that left some 65 dead, and the shelling of a hospital in Libya that killed medical workers; UN Secretary-General António Guterres reacts to a deadly landslide in China; recycled plastic waste is used to build classrooms in Côte d’Ivoire; and scouts are urged to become human rights defenders.

UNHCR Chief of Mission for Libya, Jean-Paul Cavalieri, with officials, refugees and migrants after arriving at Tajoura detention centre. (3 July 2019)
© UNHCR/Mohamed Alalem

Friday’s Daily Brief: Libya mass drownings response: Syria ‘carnage’ denounced, food aid doubled for Ebola-affected in DR Congo

Our main stories today: UN leaders call for a return to sea rescues in the Mediterranean, following Libya shipwreck; UN human rights chief denounces indifference to victims of Syrian airstrikes; World Food Programme doubles supplies to those affected by Ebola outbreak in DR Congo, and WHO urges more investment to eradicate hepatitis.

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Locusts swarms can be hundreds of miles long, leaving little vegetation behind. Photo: FAO/Yasuyoshi Chiba
FAO/Yasuyoshi Chiba

Thursday’s Daily Brief: Somalia bombing condemned, as UN expert calls for more international help; Africa faces locust swarms; new leaders for UN atomic watchdog and top economic body

Our main stories today: senior UN officials condemn attacks on Somalia capital, and call for continued international support; the International Atomic Energy Agency and UN’s Economic and Social Council welcome new leaders; and the Food and Agriculture Organization warns of possible locust swarms in Horn of Africa and Yemen

Children sitting next to their tent at the Al-Meshqafah camp in Yemen. (26 February 2019)
© UNICEF/Saleh Baholis

Wednesday’s Daily Brief: Switzerland leads on innovation, UNICEF ‘lifelines’ for Yemen, Ebola latest, Liberia peacekeepers

Our main stories today: the latest Global Innovation Index ranks Switzerland the world’s most innovative country, the head of the UN Mission in DRC warns of a ‘deadly environment’ for health workers, UNICEF delivers cash for 9 million vulnerable Yemeni families, acting head of UNAIDS says battle against HIV/ AIDS is “far from over”.