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Young people pose questions to Secretary-General António Guterres questions during a UN75 event with youth at the Graduate Institue in Geneva (FILE PHOTO).
UN Photo/Jean-Marc Ferré

Tap youth talent to tackle COVID-19 crisis and beyond, UN chief tells Security Council

Even amidst the challenges of the COVID-19 pandemic, countries must do more to harness the talents of young people to address the crisis and its aftermath, the UN Secretary-General told the Security Council on Monday during a videoconference meeting to review the five years since its adoption of a landmark resolution on youth, peace and security.

‘It is not okay how society is targeting Asian people recently because of the coronavirus, ‘ said Sophia (@shots_by_sophia) on Instagram.
© UNICEF/@katchyaphotos

‘Toxic lockdown culture’ of repressive coronavirus measures hits most vulnerable

Disturbing details have emerged from dozens of countries that a “toxic lockdown culture” against the COVID-19 pandemic has impacted drastically on society’s most vulnerable members, the UN human rights Office (OHCHR) said on Monday. The development follows UN Secretary-General António Guterres’s call last week for States not to use the COVID crisis as a pretext for repressive measures, in which he urged Governments to recognize that the threat was the “virus, not people”.

The UN Development Programme with the support of UK Aid , is rolling out emergency support for 50,000 poor urban families in Bangladesh in response to the COVID-19 outbreak.
UNDP Bangladesh/Fahad Kaizer

From bustling streets to lockdown: Bangladesh and the UN mobilize to fight COVID-19: a UN Resident Coordinator blog

The UN is working closely with the authorities, civil society and the private sector in Bangladesh, as the south Asian country braces for the COVID-19 pandemic. For the latest in our occasional series of blogs from the UN's network of Resident Coordinators who lead the Organization's Country Teams, here's Mia Seppo, in Bangladesh.