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Children displaced from ongoing conflict shelter under makeshift tents on Muhalak highway in the western part of Aleppo, Syria.
UNICEF/Khuder Al-Issa

As temperatures soar and taps run dry in war-ravaged Aleppo, UN warns of looming ‘catastrophe’

As the United Nations relief wing warned today that soaring temperatures and dwindling medical supplies are deepening the woes of some two million people trapped by fighting in and around Aleppo, the world body kept up its call for an immediate halt to the hostilities and, at a minimum, a two-day weekly humanitarian pause so the city’s heavily damaged water and electrical systems can be repaired.
A refugee from Syria hugs her crying daughter moments after reaching the Greek Island of Lesbos from Turkey in an inflatable boat.
UNHCR/Achilleas Zavallis

INTERVIEW: UN senior adviser discusses blueprint to strengthen global responses for refugees and migrants

Following five months of negotiations, United Nations Member States agreed on 2 August by consensus upon a political declaration that will serve as the basis for discussions and the outcome of the first-ever UN Summit on Addressing Large Movements of Refugees and Migrants which will be held, on 19 September, at UN Headquarters in New York.

On 5 August 2016 displaced families take shelter at the Teshreen Kindergarten in western Aleppo city, Syria, which has just opened its doors to accept displaced families after the latest wave of attacks.
UNICEF/Khuder Al-Issa

As water and basic supplies run out in Aleppo, UN urges truce to provide humanitarian assistance

With more than two million people impacted by the fighting in and around war-ravaged Aleppo, where wide swaths of the area are now without power and water supplies are dwindling, the United Nations today urgently called for a humanitarian pause in the hostilities to enable immediate access to repair the electricity and water networks, and provide assistance to people in need.

FEATURE SERIES: Mali and the UN Peacebuilding Fund

“In the talk about peacebuilding and reconciliation, we sometimes forget that it’s about how local communities come back together,” said the United Nations Assistant-Secretary-General for Peacebuilding Support, Oscar Fernandez-Taranco, discussing the UN’s Peacebuilding Fund – which supports millions of people in 27 countries.