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Somalia: UN envoy wraps up visit, Government pledges to work to end rift

The top United Nations envoy for Somalia has wrapped up private talks in the town of Jowhar with senior Somali officials who pledged to work with the UN to heal the rift over the government’s location and the deployment of foreign peacekeepers that stalled the latest attempt to re-establish a central authority in the war-shattered Horn of Africa nation.

Despite ‘light’ August agenda, Security Council to closely follow key global events

Although the United Nations Security Council’s work programme for August would be relatively light, the 15-nation body’s president for the month today said that it would nevertheless follow closely key international events, including the mid-month deadline for the drafting of an Iraqi constitution, and, at month’s end, the completion of the so-called Bonn processes, which set Afghanistan on the road stability in 2001.