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Burning fossil fuels emits a number of air pollutants that are harmful to both the environment and public health.
Unsplash/Malcolm Lightbody

COP26: Promises ‘ring hollow’ when fossil fuels still receive trillions in subsidies; UN chief calls on negotiators to pick up the pace

Governments need to show the necessary ambition on mitigation, adaptation, and finance in a balanced way, and they can’t settle for the “lowest common denominator”, the UN Secretary-General has said in Glasgow, where crucial climate negotiations are in the final stretch. Meanwhile, a coalition of countries launched a new pledge to end gas and oil extraction, and cities were the theme of the day. 

A zero emission National Express bus outside the SEC at the COP26 Climate Conference in Glasgow, Scotland.
UN News/Laura Quiñones

Era free of fossil-fuel powered vehicles comes into focus at COP26; draft outcome is met with calls for more ambition

A world where every car, bus and truck sold is electric and affordable, where shipping vessels use only sustainable fuels, and where planes can run on green hydrogen may sound like a sci-fi movie, but here, at COP26, many governments and businesses said they have started to work to make it a reality.

Samoan Activist Brianna Fruean shares the podium of the COP26 plenary with Little Amal, a giant puppet representing a Syrian refugee girl.
UN News/Laura Quiñones

Women bear the brunt of the climate crisis, COP26 highlights

Women took the global stage on Tuesday to show that climate change isn’t gender neutral, and that climate action needs them: investing in women and girls creates ripple effects felt throughout entire communities and the frontline knowledge they possess is needed now more than ever, especially as new analysis has revealed that the announcements by world leaders at COP26 still leave our planet on the path to catastrophic global warming. 
