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A wide view of the Security Council as Raisedon Zenenga (on screen right), Deputy Special Representative of the Secretary-General for the UN Assistance Mission in Somalia (UNSOM), and Francisco Caetano Jose Madeira (on screen left), Special Representative
UN Photo/Loey Felipe

Somalia’s population, international partners must be energized to sustain country’s ‘upward trajectory,’ says senior UN official

Despite Somalia’s persistent security threats, recurrent political crises, capacity constraints and the difficulties in navigating political obstacles to its reform agenda, the Horn of Africa country remains on a “positive trajectory,” the UN Security Council was told on Wednesday.

A saleswoman sells Asian grapefruits on a floating market.
Bioversity International/B. Sthapit

Preserving biodiversity vital to reverse tide of climate change, UN stresses on International Day 

The food people eat around the world is becoming “alarmingly homogenous” according to UN data, even though access to a wide variety of nutritious food has never been greater. That warning comes as the world marks the International Day for Biological Diversity on Wednesday, which this year highlights the impact of environmental neglect on food security and public health. 

Private Chancy Chitete of Malawi sustained fatal injuries saving a fellow UN peacekeeper who survived. (November 2018)

Sacrifice of fallen 'blue helmet' to be honoured with UN’s highest peacekeeping award

In recognition of his “brave and selfless” action under fire in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC)  ̶  saving the life of a fellow ‘blue helmet’ and helping his colleagues repel an armed group  ̶  the late Malawian soldier Chancy Chitete, will be honoured with the UN’s highest peacekeeping award this coming Friday, by the UN Secretary-General.