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Greta Thunberg (centre), joins a climate demonstration (file)
UN Photo/Manuel Elías

LIVE: UN Climate Change Roundtable - a 'just transition' through climate action is key says Guterres

Live coverage of the High-Level UN Climate Change Roundtable, featuring UN chief António Guterres, designed to rally momentum for more ambitious action to limit global warming and ensure sustainable post-pandemic recovery plans. 



UN chief warns that 'the world has a fever and is burning up

Watch the roundtable live on UN Web TV

UK and UN to co-host December climate event

UN climate envoy: 'the entire financial sector needs to adapt'


UN Secretary-General António Guterres (r) with UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson (file)
UN Photo/Eskinder Debebe

UN chief and UK premier announce December climate summit

With the COVID-19 pandemic having disrupted plans to hold the annual international UN climate meeting - known as the COP - this year, the UN Secretary-General António Guterres and Prime Minister of the United Kingdom have announced that they will instead co-host a “landmark global event” on 12 December, the fifth anniversary of the 2015 Paris Climate Agreement.