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General Assembly President Sam Kutesa addresses a press conference.
UN Photo/Mark Garten

UN Assembly President urges collective action to end intolerance, promote reconciliation

On the heels of a two-day United Nations High-Level meeting on Promoting Tolerance and Reconciliation, Fostering Peaceful, Inclusive Societies and Countering Violent Extremism, President of General Assembly, Sam Kutesa, has called for the defeat of obscurantism and urged faith leaders around the world to denounce those who preach intolerance in the name of religion.
UNRWA distributes water in Babila, on the southern outskirts of Damascus, to the west of the Yarmouk Camp, Syria.

UN relief workers press ahead with effort to reach Yarmouk camp in Syria

United Nations relief workers today provided drinking water, bread and recreational kits for children in displaced communities outside Yarmouk camp, the former heart of Palestine refugee community, and sought access to the besieged suburb itself, where the basic humanitarian needs of some 18,000 Palestinian and Syrian civilians are left unmet.
Survivors of a boat that capsized in the Mediterranean over the weekend of 18-19 April 2015 arrive in Sicily after being rescued. Hundreds are missing and feared dead.
UNHCR/F. Malavolta

UN urges Europe to ‘put human life, rights and dignity first’ in response to Mediterranean crisis

The most senior United Nations officials dealing respectively with refugees, human rights, and migration and development, have appealed strongly to European leaders to put human life, rights, and dignity first when agreeing today a common response to what they called the “tragedy of epic proportions” unfolding in the Mediterranean Sea, where some 1,600 people have died this year trying to flee their strife-torn homelands.