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otesters walking towards protest site by Gaza separation fence.The United Nations Independent Commission of Inquiry on the protests in the Occupied Palestinian Territory presented its findings in Geneva on 28-Feb-2019, in which it stated that found that I
UNifeed Video

Tuesday’s Daily Brief: UN envoy on Middle East peace process, child labour in Nepal, latest deadly Mediterranean shipwreck, DRC's Goma 21-days free of Ebola transmission, UN chief urges ban on nuclear testing

A recap of Tuesday's stories: UN envoy says tangible steps 'can, and must be taken' to reverse the 'negative trajectory' of the Palestinian-Israeli conflict; child labour case in Nepal highlights 'widespread and systematic' abuse; some 40 people drowned off the coast of Libya in Mediterranean shipwreck; DR Congo's Goma passes key 21-day period free of Ebola transmission; and UN chief calls for global support in putting an end to nuclear weapons testing. 


Peruvian and Venezuelan children have fun during the launch of “The Ball Has No Flags”. (August 2019)
IOM Peru/Karla Cervantes

Football is ‘refuge for those who have left everything’; UN initiative aims to bolster well-being of refugee, migrant children in Peru

Sport brings people together “regardless of conditions or flags”, a senior United Nations official in Perú said on Tuesday referring to a new initiative launched over this past weekend to promote the well-being of children and youth in Lima’s refugee and migrant communities through football. 

City view of Bogotá, Colombia. (11 January 2016)
World Bank/Dominic Chavez

Marginalized groups hit hardest by inequality and stigma in cities

Millicent Auma Otieno, a Kenya-based human rights and community activist, campaigns on behalf of women and persons with disabilities who face stigmatization, as a result of cultural and religious beliefs.  In an interview with UN News, Ms. Otieno reinforced the message that many people in cities are forced to live in informal settlements, which have proven to be hotbeds of unemployment, violence, drug abuse and early pregnancies.

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By absorbing much of the added heat trapped by atmospheric greenhouse gases, the oceans are delaying some of the impacts of climate change.
WMO/Olga Khoroshunova

Monday’s Daily Brief: UN chief talks climate action at G7, WFP official visits camp in Central African Republic, Deadly violence at Lesvos migrant centre, Security Council meets on AU-UN Darfur mission

A recap of Monday’s stories: UN chief urges more action from G7 leaders to tackle ‘climate emergency’; WFP official visits camp for displaced in Central African Republic, UN refugee agency calls on Greece to keep young migrants safe after deadly incident at Lesvos reception centre; and Security Council considers work of AU-UN Mission in Sudan’s Darfur region.

Escorted team from UNAMID’s Governance and Community Stabilization Section is pictured on its way to Birka area, North Darfur, to conduct a peace conference for farmers and herders, on 2 February 2018.
UNAMID/Mohamad Almahady

Sudan: New political transition, bolstered by peacebuilding, could bring long-term stability to Darfur, Security Council told

“Important developments” under way in Sudan since midsummer, including a pledge to end the country’s outstanding conflicts, and the establishment of a new transitional government, could serve to edge the country’s people closer to stability, Under-Secretary-General for Peace Operations Jean-Pierre Lacroix said, briefing the UN Security Council on Monday.