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Miragoane, 30 October 2018: female members of the Bangladeshi Formed Police Units greet Helen La Lime, the UN Special Representative in Haiti and Head of MINUJUSTH
Leonora Baumann / UN MINUJUSTH

Security Council approves ‘historic’ political Haiti mission, ending UN peacekeeping role in the country

The Security Council on Monday approved a resolution to create a UN “Integrated Office” in Haiti, designed to support the country’s government in strengthening political stability and good governance. The Office, named BINUH, will replace the peacekeeping mission in Haiti on October 16, putting an end to 15 years of peacekeeping presence in the country.


Palestinian boys raise their hands during one of the first classes of the new academic year, at a school in Gaza supported by the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East (UNRWA).
UN Photo/Shareef Sarhan

UN chief praises impact of Palestine refugee agency as ‘our common success’, at key pledging conference

The work of the UN body responsible for assisting Palestine refugees, UNRWA, which has allowed millions of children to receive an education that promotes UN values of human rights and tolerance, as well as democracy and conflict resolution, should be viewed “not only as our common responsibility, but as our common success”, said Secretary-General António Guterres on Tuesday.
