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UN Special Envoy for Syria Staffan de Mistura (second right) takes questions from journalists during a press conference prior to the Intra-Syrian negotiations, Geneva. 22 February 2017.
UN Photo/Violaine Martin

Syria negotiations may not yield breakthrough, but momentum needs to be maintained – UN envoy

A day before negotiations on the crisis in Syria kick off in Geneva, the United Nations Special Envoy for the war-torn country acknowledged that while he is “not expecting a breakthrough,” the proactive momentum needs to be sustained, and the top United Nations relief official told the Security Council that the country’s humanitarian needs would remain critical for a long time.

A community health worker with UNICEF partner Swiss-Kaalmo, based in Salamey Idale IDP camp in Somalia, goes door to door to spread health messages to mothers and children living in the camp.

Tackling hunger crises in South Sudan, Somalia, Nigeria and Yemen requires $4.4 billion – UN

Sounding the alarm on behalf of more than 20 million people in South Sudan, Somalia, Yemen, and north-east Nigeria facing devastating levels of food insecurity, Secretary-General António Guterres joined other top United Nations officials today calling for “strong and urgent” action from the international community to help the already-fragile countries avert catastrophe.