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UN mourns slain French cartoonists

The United Nations agency tasked with defending freedom of expression, in solidarity with France, today joined the country in mourning those killed in the deadly attack on Charlie Hebdo magazine.
Azraq camp, located in the heart of Jordan's eastern desert.
WFP/Dina El-Kassaby

UNICEF uses electronic vouchers to give Syrian refugee children access to winter clothes

As Jordan braces for a winter storm in the next few days, the United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF), in partnership with the UN World Food Programme (WFP), today launched a winter cash assistance programme to provide vulnerable Syrian refugee children in Za’atari and Azraq refugee camps with monetary assistance to allow their families to buy them winter clothes.
Head of UNMEER Ismail Ould Cheikh Ahmed (second right) meets in Monrovia with Special Representative for Liberia, Karin Landgren (second left), to discuss cooperation on Ebola between the two UN entities.
UNMEER/Simon Ruf

In Liberia, UN Ebola mission chief commends progress, warns against ‘complacency’

On his first tour of Ebola-stricken Liberia, the newly appointed Special Representative of the Secretary-General for the United Nations Mission for Ebola Emergency Response (UNMEER) today outlined his vision to tackle the scourge in what he called a “3C approach” which he described as recognizing the vital roles of “countries, communities and coordination.”