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Wide view of the UN Security Council meeting on the situation in Venezuela.
UN Photo/Manuel Elías

UN political chief calls for dialogue to ease tensions in Venezuela; Security Council divided over path to end crisis

The top UN political official told the Security Council on Saturday that dialogue and cooperation were vital to ending the crisis in Venezuela, but during a contentious debate, Council members disagreed over the appropriate response to mass protests in the South American country and competing claims to the presidency.

Secretary-General of the United Nations  António Guterres (r) addresses the World Economic Forum in Davos, Swizerland alongside Forum President, Børge Brende, on 24 January 2019.
World Economic Forum/Benedikt von Loebell

Guterres in Davos: ‘Dysfunctional’ response to common problems, shows need for effective multilateralism

The world’s problems are “more and more integrated” but the response to them is increasingly “fragmented” and “dysfunctional”, UN Secretary-General António Guterres said on Thursday, in an appeal for governments and other partners to respond to people’s grievances and recommit to international cooperation.