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UN Photo/Eskinder Debebe
UN Photo/Eskinder Debebe

On International Day, UN calls for end of impunity for crimes against journalists

Warning that impunity for crimes against journalists is rampant, United Nations Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon today called for immediate action to secure justice in cases here journalists have been attacked or killed and for concrete steps from all countries to ensure that media professionals are guaranteed space to operate free from harassment and intimidation.
Oil wells set alight by ISIL are visible from the newly retaken Iraqi town of al-Hud, outside Mosul, where IOM distributed 350 non-food item kits to recently displaced families.
IOM/Jennifer Sparks

As Iraqi military prepares to enter Mosul, ISIL forcibly relocates thousands of civilians near city, UN warns

The United Nations human rights wing today received reports that the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL/Da’esh) is attempting to forcibly transfer tens of thousands of civilians closer to Mosul, including near its own military installations, which could be targets as the Iraqi Government’s offensive to retake the city intensifies.
IDP’s that took refuge and protection with UNMISS, pack up their belongings following five straight days of heavy clashes in Juba in early July.
UNMISS/Eric Kanalstein

South Sudan: Ban to put in place measures to improve UN Mission’s ability to protect civilians

In light of the “serious shortcomings” revealed by an independent inquiry into the response of the United Nations Mission in South Sudan (UNMISS) after violence broke out in and around its premises in the capital, Juba, in July, Secretary-General Ban Ki moon will introduce a raft of measures to bolster its protection of civilians, including through greater accountability of uniformed and civilian personnel.