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Civilians flee the violence that erupted in the Protection of Civilians site in Malakal, South Sudan.
UNMISS/Nyang Touch

‘Alarmed’ over violence in South Sudan, Security Council sets out steps for implementation of peace deal

While noting that the ceasefire between South Sudan’s warring factions has “largely held,” the United Nations Security Council today said it was deeply alarmed by ongoing violence in the country and set out specific steps for the parties to take towards full implementation of a seven-month–old peace deal, saying it would review their progress by the end of the month.
Raimonda Murmokaite greets Ouided Bouchamaoui (right), President of the Tunisian Confederation of Industry, Trade and Handicrafts and co-winner of the 2015 Nobel Peace Prize as a member of the Tunisian National Dialogue Quartet.
UN Photo/Cia Pak

FEATURE: A conversation with female ambassadors about the UN Security Council

While the gender ratio between female and male diplomats at the United Nations is becoming more balanced overall, the number of women ambassadors in the Security Council has fallen from its peak of six women in 2014 to four in 2015 to just one this year. How has this influenced the top collective decision-making body on peace and security, and what, if anything, does this say about the future of UN diplomacy and peacebuilding?