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Displaced persons in Sortoni, North Darfur, Sudan, who fled their original homes and sought refuge near UNAMID’s Team Site following ongoing clashes between armed movements and government forces in the Jebel Marra area.

Political progress to end Darfur conflict through dialogue ‘remains elusive’ – UN peacekeeping chief

Intensified fighting since January has resulted in a rapidly worsening security situation and large-scale displacement in Sudan’s Darfur region, the top United Nations peacekeeping official warned today, stressing that it is important that Security Council “impress on all parties to the conflict […] that a political solution remains the only viable option.”
Chef de Cabinet Edmond Mulet.
UN Photo/Kim Haughton (file)

UN to enforce ‘zero tolerance’ policy on sexual exploitation and abuse, senior official tells Member States

Briefing the General Assembly on recent disturbing allegations of sexual exploitation and abuse by United Nations peacekeepers, Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon’s Chef de Cabinet reaffirmed the Organization’s determination to tackle the issue head on and indicated that such violations, if verified, would trigger a decision by Mr. Ban to repatriate the units in question.
Architect Alejandro Aravena.
Copyright and courtesy of ELEMENTAL/Cristobal Palma

People-focused urban planning is key to sustainable future, Pritzker Prize winning architect says at UN

The role that architecture can play in creating cities that are more sustainable and liveable – a vital element of the United Nations 2030 Agenda, in which economic inclusion, social development and environmental protection converge in a universal roadmap for global action – was in the spotlight at UN Headquarters today as this year’s Pritzker Architecture Prize laureate discussed his work and the road to a more inclusive future.

United Nations peacekeepers in  Menaka, Mali.
MINUSMA/Marco Dormino

Delays in implementing Mali peace deal mean gains for terrorists – UN peacekeeping chief

Every day lost in the implementation of Mali’s peace agreement is a day gained for extremist and terrorist groups that have bet heavily that the process will fail, the top United Nations peacekeeping official told the Security Council today, stressing that the Government and the armed groups who signed the deal must establish a timeline to resolve all pending issues.