Global perspective Human stories

UN Interviews

Space technology helping UNDP to improve lives of people in need

Space-based applications and technologies are helping the UN Development Programme (UNDP) to deliver its projects in a faster, more efficient and safer way, according to a senior official there.

Bruce McCarron, Director of UNDP’s Office of Operations, Legal and Technology Services, said one example is the use of satellite imagery to monitor reconstruction of buildings in Mali that were destroyed by extremists.


South-South cooperation shows leadership in collaboration

An increasing number of countries in the southern hemisphere are contributing to global humanitarian efforts, which the UN Deputy Emergency Relief Coordinator considers an “encouraging” development.

Ursula Mueller is in Antalya, Turkey, this week for a global conference on how these nations are supporting each other: a process known as south-south cooperation.

Maoqi Li asked Ms Mueller about this partnership and about Turkey’s role in the response to the ongoing crisis in neighbouring Syria.

Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO)

FAO online database aims to protect local livestock diversity

Safeguarding livestock diversity is the objective of the latest version of an online database launched by the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO).

The goal is to help countries better monitor and manage animal breeds at risk of extinction: something which could threaten access to food but also sustainable development in rural areas.

FAO estimates that around 25 percent of the world’s local farm animal breeds run the risk of being wiped out, such as the Inyambo cattle in Rwanda and the H’mong pig in Vietnam.


Mediation board focuses on 'hybrid peace-building' to prevent war

A new high-level board to advise the UN chief on mediation efforts around the world is aiming to turn the focus away from talk of “hybrid wars” to “hybrid peace-building.”

That’s according to the former President of Finland, Tarja Halonen, who is one of the 18 leading international members of the panel, which was set up by Secretary-General António Guterres in September.


UN-managed fund fights poverty and hunger across Global South

Three leaders in “South-South Cooperation”, together with $33 million in contributions, are helping 15 of the least developed countries in the world move ahead with achieving the 2030 Sustainable Development Goals.

India, Brazil, and South Africa - three nations from different economies and different continents - launched the latest IBSA Fund report on Monday, which helps developing countries advance their goals, in partnership with the UN.


We want to 'send more' peacekeepers: Bangladesh Adviser

Bangladesh - already one of the largest troop-contributing countries to UN peacekeeping missions around the world - would like to send more troops, despite the increasing dangers they face.

That’s the view of the Bangladeshi Prime Minister’s National Defence and Security Adviser, who led his country’s delegation to the recent UN Peacekeeping Ministerial Conference, in Vancouver, Canada.

Mohammad Mahady/UNAMID

Legal definition of sexual violence, an imperative for Sudan

With a 16-day global campaign in full swing to end violence against women and girls, transforming the human rights situation in Sudan's turbulent Darfur region, requires clear and distinctive definitions of sexual violence and adultery.

That’s according to the Human Rights Section Chief for the region’s UN mission, UNAMID, Isha Dyfan, who explained that separating these two societal issues encourages women to come forward with accounts of sexual violence, without fear of being accused of adultery.

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