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An outreach campaign on the prevention of sexual exploitation and abuse takes place in South Kivu, Democratic Republic of the Congo.
MONUSCO/Alain Likota

INTERVIEW: ‘Extremely difficult conversations’: Seeking justice for sexual abuse victims

Critics have said justice takes too long, and perpetrators are not always held accountable in cases of sexual exploitation and abuse committed by UN personnel. Appointed by the Secretary-General in 2017, Jane Connors, the UN’s first Victims’ Rights Advocate, is tasked with getting a victim-centred approach installed across the system’s more than 35 entities.

Elementary school students in South Sulawesi province, Indonesia return to class in March 2022 following the outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic.
© UNICEF/Hafiz Al Asad

SDG ‘warriors’ open Youth Forum with advice for building better world

If the world really wants to step back from the brink, it had better “walk the walk” towards a more sustainable future for all, young speakers said on Tuesday, as thousands of their counterparts from across the world gathered, in person and online, for the opening of the annual Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC) Youth Forum at UN Headquarters in New York.