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The Old City of Sana’a, Yemen, World Heritage site.
© UNESCO/Francesco Bandarin

UNESCO launches plan to safeguard Yemen's cultural heritage sites

The United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) has launched an emergency plan to safeguard cultural heritage sites in Yemen, including the ancient city of Sana'a, with its historical mosques and monuments that have been damaged in the conflict that has killed nearly 1,700 people since March.
Cooling down on a hot day in Omdurman, Sudan.
World Bank/Arne Hoel

First half of 2015 ‘hottest six months on record’ – UN

From January to June 2015, the globally averaged temperature over land and ocean surfaces was the hottest for such period on record, the United Nations World Meteorological Organization (WMO) reported today, citing new highs across the planet in June, with heatwaves across South Asia, Europe and pockets of the United States.