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The African Union Mission in Somalia (AMISOM) liberated the town of Hudur, Somalia, from Al-Shabaab extremists two months ago. While the situation in the town is now largely peaceful, the disruption of supply routes into Hudur by Al-Shabaab has caused mas
UN Photo/Tobin Jones

With Somalia again 'on precipice of crisis', UN relief official appeals for urgent funding

Poor rains, high food prices and ongoing conflict have intersected to push Somalia once gain to the brink of crisis, the United Nations Humanitarian Coordinator in the country said today, warning that without immediate action, the fragile food security situation could worsen in the coming months, especially if funding shortages force essential projects to shut down.
Relocation of Displaced Foreign Nationals to New Protection of Civilians at UN House.
UN Photo/Isaac Billy

Political rivals must end dispute before South Sudan goes ‘down in flames’ – UN rights chief

Warning that the litany of grave atrocities committed in South Sudan and catalogued in a new United Nations report bears the grim hallmarks of genocide, the Organization’s human rights chief today called on the sparring political leaders there to take immediate steps to stop the killing, “before the fire they have ignited [brings] the entire country down in flames"