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Masked gunmen attack UN convoy in Gaza Strip

Masked gunmen ambushed and opened fire on a three-vehicle United Nations convoy in the Gaza Strip today shortly after it left the crossing point with Israel carrying a senior official of the main UN agency for Palestinian refugees, but all the passengers and drivers escaped injury.

Haiti: UN mission reports more successes in anti-crime offensive

Close on the heals of the capture of one of Haiti’s most notorious criminal armed gang leaders, United Nations peacekeepers and Haitian police have reported new successes in their crackdown on violent crime in Port-au-Prince, the capital, dismantling one group, arresting three dozen more suspects and seizing weapons caches.

Ban Ki-moon recommends one-year extension of UN peacekeeping mission in Liberia

Despite numerous successes made in Liberia to bolster peace and further economic progress, the impoverished West African country still faces many obstacles including poverty, high unemployment and incapacitated public services, United Nations Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon says in a new report, calling on the Security Council to extend the UN peacekeeping mission there for another year.