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New blog joins UN video game in battle against hunger

Fresh from the global success of the world’s first humanitarian video game designed to arouse children’s interests in the challenges of fighting hunger, the United Nations World Food Programme (WFP) today announced the launch of a blog, an interactive internet chat site, that allows youngsters to talk directly to aid workers on the battle’s frontlines.

Yemen gets UN loan to upgrade roads for at least 300,000 people

With roughly three quarters of Yemen’s population living in over 100,000 isolated villages and settlements, the Government will upgrade dirt roads in the most disadvantaged areas, improving access to markets, health centres and schools for 300,000 people under a new pact reached with the United Nations International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD).

Zarqawi’s death removes ‘heinous and dangerous man’ – Annan

United Nations Secretary-General Kofi Annan said today the reported death in Iraq of the Jordanian insurgent Abu Musab al-Zarqawi was a “relief” since such a “such a heinous and dangerous man” will no longer be around to continue harming Iraqis, even though violence was unlikely to end with his elimination in the war-torn country.

High and volatile food prices loom, UN food agency warns

Agricultural commodity prices are likely to keep rising in the months ahead as the volatility in global commodity markets continues, the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) warned today in its latest report, forecasting an increase of over two per cent in this year’s world food import bill compared with last year.