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Dozens of Palestinian children have been killed, with many more injured and displaced since the escalation of hostilities began in the Gaza Strip.
© UNICEF/Eyad El Baba

Ceasefire needed now, to stave off disaster in Gaza says UNICEF chief, as UNRWA launches emergency appeal

At least 60 youngsters have been killed in Gaza and another 444 have been injured in less than 10 days of conflict with Israel, the head of UN Children’s Fund has said, in a call for an immediate ceasefire and aid access to “stave off disaster”. On Wednesday, the UN relief agency for Palestine refugees (UNRWA) launched a flash appeal for $38 million, to deal with the spiralling humanitarian crisis. 

Israeli strikes have destroyed buildings and infrastructure in  Gaza.
UNOCHA/Samar Elouf

UN urges greater aid access for Gaza, ‘intensification of mediation efforts’ to end Israel-Palestine violence

The international community must do “all it can” to de-escalate the violence in Gaza and Israel which has left hundreds dead and injured, said the UN’s political affairs chief on Tuesday, calling on all those involved in the fighting to allow for the “intensification of mediation efforts”, which can also help stem a growing humanitarian crisis in the Gaza Strip.
