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A child living in an IDP camp in northwestern Syria.
© UNICEF/Khaled Akacha

‘Limited’ progress in closing Syria chemical weapons file, UN Disarmament Chief tells Security Council

Seven years after the Security Council mandated the destruction of Syria’s chemical weapons programme, there have been only “limited developments” in the implementation of resolution 2118, passed unanimously in 2013 to bring the country into compliance with its global obligations, the UN disarmament chief said on Thursday. 

UN Secretary-General António Guterres speaking at the al-Azhar Mosque in Cairo in April 2019, where he underscored the need to fight Islamophobia and all forms of hatred and bigotry.
UN Photo/Mahmoud Abd ELLatiff

Anti-Muslim hatred has reached 'epidemic proportions' says UN rights expert, urging action by States

Institutional suspicion and fear of Muslims and those perceived to be Muslim has escalated to epidemic proportions, the Human Rights Council heard on Thursday. Addressing the Council in Geneva, UN Special Rapporteur on freedom of religion or belief, independent rights expert Ahmed Shaheed, said that “numerous” States, regional and international bodies were to blame.

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