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A father rests with his son at the Bangui Paediatric hospital in the capital of the Central African Republic.
© UNICEF/Donaig Le Du

Central African Republic: One year after peace deal, a ‘long, steep’ road ahead to ensure child rights protections

A year since the signing of a peace deal between the Government of the Central African Republic (CAR) and 14 armed groups, the UN Children’s Fund (UNICEF) reported on Thursday that millions of children across the country remain threatened by violence and a lack of access to food, health care and other basic needs. 

Beveridge Reef, located within the waters of Niue in the central Pacific Ocean.
© UNDP/Vlad Sokhin

2020: the year for action, to ‘rise up’ and safeguard ocean life 

With the ocean in deep crisis, members of civil society and philanthropic organisations are urging governments and corporations to take bold action to safeguard the ocean.  After a two-day preparatory meeting in New York ahead of June’s UN Ocean Conference in Portugal, activists handed over what they termed “A Blue Call to Action” to the UN Secretary-General António Guterres, on Wednesday.  
