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Officials in Haiti begin counting ballots at the end of polling on election day, 9 August 2015.
UN/MINUSTAH/Logan Abassi

Haiti: UN welcomes election of provisional President

United Nations Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon, as well as the UN and its partners in Haiti, have welcomed the 14 February election by the Haitian National Assembly of Jocelerme Privert as the island nation's interim President, one week after the departure of former President Michel Martelly.
The Taliban has taken territory in Khanabad district in the Afghanistan province of Kunduz on the other side of a bridge pictured here in August 2015.
Bethany Matta/IRIN

Afghan casualties hit record high 11,000 in 2015 – UN report

The United Nations reported today that Afghan hostilities in 2015 left more than 3,500 civilians dead, including an unprecedented number of children – one in four casualties over the past year was a child – and nearly 7,500 others wounded, making this the highest number of civilian casualties recorded.