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Trucks, loaded with enough food to feed 40,000 people for one month in Madaya, Syria, are unloaded in the dark on arrival on 11 January 2016.
WFP/Hussam Al Saleh

Syria: UN officials give first-hand accounts of ‘horrible, terrible’ desperation in besieged towns

As United Nations officials gave on-site accounts of the “horrible and terrible” situation in the besieged Syrian town of Madaya, from 400 critically ill people facing death without immediate medical care to a kilo of rice costing $300, the first emergency evacuation took place today – a five-year-old girl rushed through pro-Government roadblocks for urgent surgery in Damascus.
A view of the old town of Benghazi, Libya.
UNSMIL/Iason Athanasiadis

Libya: senior UN relief official condemns attacks on Benghazi power plant

Strongly condemning the recent attacks against a major power plant in Libya’s eastern city of Benghazi, the top United Nations humanitarian official in the country said today he is “deeply shocked by these actions that directly affect civilian life,” and warned that such “ignoble” attacks may amount to war crimes.