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A mother and her newborn baby at the Maternal and Child Health Training Institute for medically needy in Dhaka, Bangladesh.
UN Photo/Kibae Park

UN-backed global health conference seeks to save millions of newborns each year

Scaling up existing interventions, such as using low cost medicines and exclusively breastfeeding after birth, could help save the lives of millions of babies each year, the United Nations said today as hundreds of health officials and government representatives gathered for the opening session of the first-ever Global Newborn Health Conference.
Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon.
UN Photo/Evan Schneider

Ban calls Boston marathon bombing ‘senseless, appalling’ act

United Nations Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon today condemned the bombing at the Boston Marathon, calling “this senseless violence… all the more appalling for taking place at an event renowned for bringing people together from around the world in a spirit of sportsmanship and harmony.”