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Despite progress towards peace, Sudan still ‘utterly fragile’ – UN envoy

While the international community’s humanitarian, political and African-led military strategy for peace and stability in Sudan was finally bearing fruit, the situation was still extremely fragile, particularly for millions of people in war-torn Darfur, and would perhaps require decades of sustained efforts to set right, the top United Nations envoy for Sudan warned today.

Burundi elections are teaching Central Africa a lesson – UN official

The election process in Burundi can serve as a lesson to Central Africa for the maturity and transparency with which they are being conducted, according to a senior United Nations official who has been helping to organize the polls in an effort to restore peace and stability in a country that has been torn by decades of ethnic war.

UN humanitarian chief says Zimbabwe has complex emergency

With a United Nations report out today saying the Zimbabwean Government has evicted 700,000 people from urban housing, the UN humanitarian aid chief said the country’s emergency is complex and also includes high unemployment, widespread food insecurity and 25 per cent of the population living with HIV/AIDS.