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People across the world are taking precautions against the COVID-19 coronavirus, including the man taking a ride in the photo above.
Unsplash/Aalok Atreya

Coronavirus: Pandemic alert should be trigger for countries to do more against COVID-19

Countries must “double-down” on their efforts to stop the spread of COVID-19 coronavirus, the UN health agency said on Wednesday, after announcing that the global emergency can now be described as a pandemic. UN Secretary-General António Guterres described the announcement as “a call to action – for everyone, everywhere.”

A student at Colegio San Judas Tadeo, a member of UNESCO's ASPnet programme

Climate change: educating students to fight the crisis

With the latest UN climate report containing worrying evidence that climate change is having a major effect on all aspects of the environment, how can teachers help children and adults to sort through the growing mass of information, avoid being overwhelmed, and come to an understanding of the challenges, and potential solutions, to what the UN Secretary-General has called “an existential crisis”?

A vaccine carrier is carefully transported across a river in India. It’s a delicate process - the vaccines need to be kept cold, even in tropical parts of the world.

FROM THE FIELD: Going the extra mile with vaccines

While the medical world rushes to develop an effective and safe vaccine for the deadly coronavirus which is sweeping across the planet, millions of doses of other life-saving immunizations against other diseases, continue to be delivered by the United Nations - albeit at a somewhat slower pace.