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A girl laughs during a skit on the prevention of HIV, at a youth centre in Moundou, Chad.
UNICEF/P. Esteve

UN agencies launch new standards to improve adolescent care worldwide

Two United Nations agencies – the UN World Health Organization (WHO) and the Joint UN Programme on HIV/AIDS (UNAIDS) – announced today they have developed new standards for quality health-care services for adolescents, which aim to help countries improve services for people between the ages of 10 and 19.
A slum area in Cambodia.
World Bank/Masaru Goto

Extreme poverty to fall below 10 per cent, advancing towards UN goal by 2030 – World Bank

The World Bank announced today that extreme poverty is likely to fall to below 10 per cent this year, “giving fresh evidence that a quarter-century-long sustained reduction in poverty is moving the world closer to the historic goal of ending poverty by 2030” – echoing a top goal set by the newly-agreed United Nations Sustainable Development Agenda.
A teacher leads students during a sing-along in a class at Monrovia Demonstration School in Liberia.
UNICEF/Sarah Grile

On World Day, UN urges international community to invest in recruiting, empowering teachers

Marking the first World Teacher’s Day after the adoption of 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, senior United Nations officials appealed to the international community to value, support, and empower teachers, “for it is they who will educate a new generation of children who, in turn, will carry forward all our goals to build a better world for all.”